with Dr. Iman Rasti
Tuesday, 2/11
7 – 8:30 PM
(Will be streamed live virtually if you can't make it in person)
Is homework time a struggle for both you and your child? Dr. Iman Rasti offers fresh insight into how developing a more "holistic" approach to homework enables us to identify and address the root cause of our children's struggles. You will take away practical, creative tips on how to help your children take ownership of their own learning and make homework time less of a headache for you!
In theory, homework completion requires organizational skills that fall under what is known as executive functioning, the skills required to self-regulate one's behavior, set and achieve goals, and make decisions. Children who struggle with homework are often seen as lacking these skills. After two decades of serving as an educator, researcher, and writer, Dr. Rasti has a different take on the root concerns impacting such children.
Learn more about Dr. Rasti at imanrasti.com.